The AWS Project
The project is about building a personal website using the main offerings of AWS along with other important tools
such as Infrastrucure As code (IaC) tools, git and github,...etc.
It has given me the chance to experience the following:
- AWS Identitiy center
- AWS Organizations
- AWS S3
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Lambda
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS CloudFront
- AWS Route53
- AWS Translate
- Terraform
- Git and GitHub
It has been a great project so far, and I have decided from this point forward, all modifications to the website will be
done through IaC and CI/CD, to do things the way professionals do.
Translation with AWS
As I speak french and was in the middle of french courses and practice,
I immediately thought that my website should be available in french as well,
and that's when I found out about Amazon translate,
and I thought it was a very nice extra to add to the project
A trigger on S3 would run a lambda function, the lambda function takes the uploaded file and pass it to the translate function,
the translate function would create a translated copy in the S3 bucket.
In the main page of the website, added a language switch, to redirect to the translated page.